New notebook and pens are ready to go! |
Kids are heading back to school this week if they haven't started already. Parents and teachers are scrambling to get last minute shopping done and schedules organized. The relaxed time of summer snaps shut and the structure of routines begin again. Now, there is structure to adhere to and forms to fill out.
If you are involved with the start of school, you're already in the throws of this annual transition period. If you're not, it still impacts all of us to some extent. My office product junkie friends have had a field day these last couple of weeks stocking up on all the discounted file folders, notebooks, and writing implements of all colors.
I've noticed over the years that many people seem to struggle with eating challenges when seasons change. Maybe its feeling melancholy, knowing those long summer days are shortening up and the nights are getting cooler. Or maybe it's just that any changes can shake us up a bit. Whatever it it,
we can use this seasonal change to our advantage to help us.
Get Back Into the Swing of Living a Healthy Lifestyle. Here are a few ideas that may help you transition to healthier lifestyle this fall and maybe even losing weight.
- Scheduling improves success, a.k.a. using your calendar!
- Exercise
- Walking dates with friends
- Sign up for a new class
- Healthy cooking
- Yoga
- Walking/running group
- Wellness support group or coach
- Grocery shopping
- Sleep
- Joy time: time to do something that fills your soul with happiness
- Buy a fun, new insulated lunch bag with great new containers to refill daily. You don't have to be a kid or head out to a job every day to make one work for you. Packing a healthy lunch in the morning increases the likelihood that you'll eat a nourishing meal instead of noshing on whatever is at hand. You could even pack a second one for your planned, healthy snacks!
- Pre-package single serving containers of snacks. As you prep fresh veggies, put single servings into bags that are ready to grab at the front of your fridge. Individual bags of whole grain crackers or chips, popcorn, nuts, dried fruit, and cereal, all make great grab-n-go snacks. Great to have on hand at school, work, or home.
- School supplies can help you succeed
- Colored pens make writing down your food intake much more fun
- Stickers can give you an immediate "way-to-go!" celebration
- New calendar or day planner to schedule time to take care of yourself
- Little notebook to journal your food, workouts, grocery list, thoughts or goals
The key is to recognize the opportunity that the back-to-school fall season brings us. Take advantage of it and develop a way to structure your days and develop new routines that will enable you to achieve your health and wellness goals!
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