Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gifts for Health

If you're thinking about the perfect gifts for people you really care about, why not try something that really shows you care? A gift encouraging healthy living!

The Mind-full Motivator's Top Pick Gifts: 

  1. Gift certificate for a well deserved massage
  2. Good pedometer (the Ozeri 4X3 is on my wish list!)
  3. Gift certificate for local yoga classes
  4. Tea for You Basket: a variety of teas (including green,) a tea pot or cup, and perhaps a tea infuser or beautiful spoon
  5. Window sill herb garden
  6. Special vinegars
  7. Infused olive oils
  8. Pretty place mats and napkins to encourage mindful eating at home
  9. Pretty smaller plates (9 or 10") plates, bowls and narrow drinking glasses to help with portion control
  10. Steamer basket
  11. Homemade basket of beautiful fresh fruit and small packages of nuts
  12. BPA-free water bottle
  13. Sleep enhancing sound machine
  14. Exercise video
  15. Video games that encourage action: dancing, sports, fitness
  16. Stress reduction book or CD
  17. Gift certificate for the Mind-full Motivator's Coaching!!
What are your great healthy gift ideas for the season?


  1. Those are terrific ideas Barb. I am intending to buy local this year and I can do that with many of your suggestions.

  2. Buying local is a wonderful decision! Even your local farmer's market just may have some unique gift ideas. What about a basket of unique whole grains and recipes, or a yummy bean soup mix?


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