Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cookie Baking Marathon

Have I told you that I'm cursed?  Yep.  Cursed with the ability to make some really good cookies.  Working in nutrition, I know that some may consider this wrong on many levels, but what can I say?  I learned to bake when I was in 4-H as a 9 year old, and I guess it just soared out of control from there.  Many have appreciated my baking skills along the way, to the point that I occasionally get asked to bake for a graduation open house.

Today, I whipped up 20 dozen cookies for a graduation party.  I started at 12:30 and ended at 4:30---a 4 hour baking marathon.  In my past, much heavier life, I used to taste lots of dough as I baked (perhaps to make sure it was just right?)  I proceeded to chow down broken and misshapen cookies that came along. Those weren't my best moments...

I just want you to know that today, all four hours were under control. I thought I'd pass along how I handle the big baking these days...

Yesterday's Baking Success:
  1. I ate lunch first---I never start this process when I'm hungry anymore!
  2. Hydrate. On the counter, I had a huge glass of decaf iced tea that I kept refilling all afternoon.
  3. A pack of sugar-free gum sat to the left of my 26 year-old cream colored Kitchen Aid mixer, ready to pop a new fresh peppermint piece in anytime I needed to chew something.
  4. Twice, I sat down with one hot, nicely shaped cookie, and enjoyed every bite, once with a glass of non-fat milk, and once with my tea. (Quite a change from feeding myself the rejects!  I'm much more worthy than those.)
  5. A bowl of melon chunks with a toothpick in it sat on the counter, too, next to the gum.  I found that clean, crisp taste of melon perfect to nibble on.
  6. I packed up all the cookies on trays as soon as they cooled, and drove them right to the party...
  7. Then, I took the dog for a walk!
Lesson:  Amazing, but it is possible to bake and not eat all the cookie dough! I certainly didn't know how years and years ago, but I do now.  And, I like it.


  1. I baked for a work function over the weekend. While I was making the cookie dough, I decided it was the perfect time to whiten my smile :-) I popped the trays from my dentist (and I can't chew or eat anything with these in for 2 hours!)

    I was amazed at how often I mindlessly tried to "taste" the cookie dough. I think a diversion it necessary for me when baking!

  2. Mentos fresh mint gum works for me... Who knew you could actually end up with the amount of cookies/cupcakes stated in the recipe!

  3. GREAT ideas! I have never thought of the teeth whitening trick. Hmmm....Crest White Strips to the rescue! Love the mint gum, too! Do you ever use more than one stick when you are even more tempted?


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